How To Draw George Hw Bush

What do George W. Bush and John Quincy Adams have in common? If you answered that both served as presidents of the United States you would be right. George W. Bush is now the forty-third president of the United States, and John Quincy Adams was our sixth president, over 180 years ago (1825-1829). Both men came from famous political families. But the biggest thing they have in common is that George W. Bush and John Quincy Adams are the only presidents whose fathers were presidents too! George Herbert Walker Bush (George W.'s father) was our forty-first president and John Adams (John Quincy's father) was our second president.
Born July 6, 1946, George W. Bush grew up in Texas with his three brothers and a sister. President Bush has said that when he was a student at Sam Houston Elementary School in Midland, Texas, his favorite subject was history. Other presidents, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, also liked studying history. When George W. Bush went to college at Yale he earned a degree in history and another in business.
After serving as a pilot for the Texas Air National Guard, Bush used his business education to begin his career in the oil and industry in Texas from 1975 until 1986.
Another of Bush's favorite childhood pastimes was to play little league baseball and his hero was baseball legend Willie Mays. So it's no surprise that in 1989, he and a group of partners bought the Texas Rangers baseball team.
Bush liked working on his father's successful 1988 presidential campaign so much he decided to run for public office himself. He was elected governor of Texas in 1994, and in an historic re-election victory, he became the first Texas governor to be elected to a second consecutive term. After that, he went on to win the presidency in a close race.
One of President Bush's goals is to strengthen the nation's public schools. He wants all children to pursue their own dreams, complete an education, and make good choices. He believes that quality education means good jobs for Americans and economic security for the country.
On September 11, 2001, President Bush was sitting among a class of second graders to draw attention to his education program when he learned that a second plane had hit the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. Later he learned of the plane that smashed into the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and the fourth plane that crashed into a field in Pennsylvania—all hijacked by terrorists. Since that horrible day, President Bush has declared war on terrorism to make America and the world safe and secure.
How To Draw George Hw Bush
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