
How To Draw A Jellyfish How To Draw A Realistic Jellyfish

How to draw a jellyfish

Filigree footstep

Yous tin can print out the base structure lines and start cartoon on tracing paper or yous can depict the grid layout yourself using the following steps… Show more than

1) Draw a rectangle that volition define the conditional proportions and boundaries of the called drawing.
2) From the middle of the rectangle, draw i vertical and 1 horizontal line as dividing the shape.
3) Draw another horizontal line every bit dividing the upper half of the rectangle. Similarly, draw a horizontal line equally dividing the bottom half of the rectangle.
four) Draw a vertical line every bit dividing the left half of the rectangle. Similarly, draw a vertical line every bit dividing the correct half of the rectangle.


Pace 1

Mark off the width and height of the picture. Depict guidelines for the jellyfish's body.

Step 2

Draw the shape of the creature's hood.

Step 3

Sketch the oral arm of the jellyfish.

Footstep 4

Add together its hood margin and details to its oral arm.

Footstep five

Add together the tentacles of the jellyfish.

Pace six

Detail the oral arm more than.

Footstep 7

Profile the jellyfish, trying to vary the thickness and darkness of the line. Add more detail and add h2o.

Impress version


how to draw a jellyfish step by step, how to depict a realistic jellyfish, how to draw jellyfish tentacles, how to describe a existent jellyfish

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